Kievan Rus

Apr 04, 2015


The first state on the territory of Russia was established by the Viking clan called the Rus in 882 to trade with the rich Byzantine Empire.

“Guests From Overseas” by Nicholas Roerich (1901)

The Eastern Slavs’ territory was covered by long rivers. The Dnieper, Don and Volga rivers were the trading routes that connected Scandinavia with Constantinople and Baghdad.

The Varangians (the Slavonic name for the Vikings) established control over these territories. They came to rule the Slavs and gradually mixed with them.

Kievan Rus
The legend says that in 862 Slavic princes, tired of fighting each other, invited Varangian Prince Rurik to rule over them. He established the Rurikovich dynasty in Novgorod that ruled over Russia for 700 years.

Rurik’s successor Oleg founded the Kievan Rus state in 882 by connecting Novgorod with Kiev.
The following rulers Igor I, his wife Olga and son Svyatoslav I extended their dominance, fighting Byzantium,  Pechenegs and Polovtsy. Vladimir I, looking for a way to spiritually unify his people,  adopted the Russian Orthodox faith from Byzantium.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise was a a highlight of Kievan power. Yaroslav built fortifications, introduced a code of law and promoted culture.

The following civil war was only temporarily contained by Vladimir Monomakh. Since the rule of Yuri Dolgorukiy the importance of Kiev declined. His son Andrey Bogolyubsky raided Kiev in 1169. Vladimir-Suzdal principality and Novgorod republic took its place.
