Russia in World War II

Apr 02, 2015


The inevitable military conflict that grew out of the consequences of WWI. The Soviet Union came out of the war more powerful than ever. The only balancing power was the USA.

Soviet Soldiers Hosting the Soviet Flag On the Balcony of Hotel Adlon in Berlin After the Battle of Berlin. Unknown Photographer (May 1945)

On 23 August 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of mutual non-aggression gave Hitler and Stalin free hand to attack their spheres of interest.

In November 1939, Stalin declared war on Finland. The Winter War ended with an informal defeat for Stalin. Of 1 million men that were sent there, at least 200,000 died.

Great Patriotic War
Although neither one decided to keep to the non-aggression pact, Hitler made the first move, attacking Russia on 22 June 1941. “Operation Barbarossa” came as a shock to Stalin.

Hitler’s blitzkrieg tactics were a huge success, and after 5 months all the land between Leningrad and Rostov had been invaded. Leningrad itself was under siege for 900 days with no success.

The turning point was Germany’s defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad near the southern oil fields that Hitler badly needed. A total of 1.5 million men lost their lives there. Hitler was forced to withdraw. After the Battle of Kursk it was clear that Hitler would lose the war.

In 1945 the Allies met at the Yalta Conference, when Stalin’s troops were 60 km from Berlin. The new world order was agreed on and Stalin went on to turn half of Europe into his satellite states.

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact