Nikolay Bukharin

Apr 03, 2015


One of the greatest theorists among the Soviet leaders. His writings form the theoretical basis of Soviet economy. After using him in his power struggle agains his other opponents Stalin had him shot in 1938.

Lived: 1888-1938.
Nikolay Bukharin was a well-educated son of a school teachers in Moscow. He joined the Bolsheviks in 1905, was arrested and left for Europe and USA in 1910.

After the Revolution, Bukharin held several important positions in the Communist Party. Lenin described Bukharin as the “darling of the party”. He was one of the brightest and cleverest members.

Economic views
After 1921, Bukharin began actively supporting Lenin’s idea of the New Economic Policy (NEP).

In 1925, in a clash with Trotsky’s “Left Opposition”, Bukharin relied on Russia’s peasant majority and urged them to “enrich themselves”.

By 1927, the alliance of Stalin, Bukharin, Tomsky and Rykov suppressed the opposition of Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev. Bukharin was one of the most prominent Bolsheviks near Stalin in the period of 1927-29.

Fall from power
By 1929 Bukharin became Stalin’s next target and he was stripped of all of his positions. Stalin’s excuse was Bukharin’s criticism over the Industrialization plan.

Arrested in 1937 together with Rykov and Yagoda the “Right Opposition” was tried in “The Trial of the 21”. In March 1938 they were all shot.

Bukharin’s wife Anna Larina memorized his 600-word letter to the future generations until 1988.

Felix Dzerzhinsky