Mongol Invasion

Apr 03, 2015


Mongol Tatars were the biggest threat to the 13th-century Christian world. They established the largest empire of all time. Russia was under Mongol rule for 250 years.

“The Mongol Cavalry Pursuing Their Enemy” by Rashid-al-Din in the 14th Century

In the 13th century a new and powerful enemy attacked from the east. The Mongol Tatars were Central Asian nomadic people who had already subdued all of Asia. Their commander was Genghis Khan.

Russians first faced them at the 1223 Battle of Kalka. They helped the Polovetsy fight Gengis Khan and lost miserably.

In 1237 the invasion began under Batu Khan. Whole cities were destroyed and entire populations decapitated. In just 3 years the Mongol Tatars crushed the resistance of Russian princes one by one. Only Novgorod was spared.

The Mongol Tatars sacked and destroyed Kiev in 1240 then moved ahead to the west. The Mongols established the biggest empire the world has ever seen. Under the command of Batu Khan they were about to conquer all of Europe. Instead they decided to turn back home.

The Golden Horde
The Mongols named their vast Russian territories The Golden Horde. They did not wish to settle in Russia. Instead they imposed heavy taxes but let Russian Princes rule.

The princes had to get their yarlyk (certificate of power) from the khan. Asking for it was a humiliating practice for the formerly all-powerful princes.

Alexander Nevsky