Fyodor Apraksin

Apr 03, 2015

Military officer. 

Apraksin was one of the first distinguished Russian Admirals. He was a close friend of Peter the Great and one of the founders of Russian Navy.

Lived: 1661-1728.
Fyodor Apraksin’s sister was tsar Fyodor III’s second wife. From then on Apraksin rose to the favour of the tsar family. He helped young Peter I build his first war ships and they became great friends.

Fyodor Apraksin made a marvelous career as the governor of Arkhanagelsk, where he supervised the constructing of new ships. He is considered the father of the Azov and Baltic Sea fleets.

In the Great Northern War Apraksin was the commander of Russian fleet against the Swedes. He won the Battle of Gangut at the Hanko peninsula near Finland in 1714. He was promoted Great Admiral after the advantageous Treaty of Nystad, that was signed in 1721.

Admiral Apraksin also commanded the Russian fleet at the Russo-Persian War (1722-23). He was named governor of Karelia, Estonia and Ingria.

After Peter the Great’s death his wife Catherine I promoted Apraksin a member of the Supreme Privy Council.

Admiral Apraksin died in 1728 at the age of 67.

Boris Sheremetev